Get CC, get revenue

Our unique coin structure is beneficial for all.

200.000.000 max. supply
0.0001 transaction fee
Komodo assetchain
Secured with Bitcoin's hashrate

We share

100% of all revenue flows directly to all holders of CoinCollect (CC). Various revenue streams make sure the coin will generate profitable rewards for CC coin holders.

Revenue flowchartflowchart

Problems that keep people from crypto

Fears to get hacked

Fear your bitcoins will get hacked on exchanges?

People have the feeling there is a lot of money to gain in crypto, but also a lot to lose. This fear is keeping them from investing.

Drowned in accounts

Sign up to three different sites and each time submitting your ID?

This is a huge barrier that keeps users from entering crypto.

Horrible interfaces

Finally signed up, you are dazzled by all the complex options.

All exchanges are built for people acting as professional traders. Most people just want to buy and sell quick and easy. Current complexity is keeping them from trading.

Our mission.

We aim to get everyone on board of crypto. For this we will make crypto easy to buy, trade and manage. CoinCollect permits anyone to secure their position in crypto and maintain full control over their coins.

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Our solution

One platform to buy, manage and trade your coins

We integrate the best fiat gateways to make sure you can buy crypto with dollars or euros in CoinCollect.

We use cutting edge decentralized technology in CoinCollect to ensure that you can easily trade and securely hodl in your application.

Your keys, your coins

In Coincollect we use advanced decentralized exchange technology allowing us to make sure you own your keys at all times. This means you are in control.

Eliminating the problem you had with the first generation (1.0) exchanges and their vulnerabilities.

Smooth user experience

CoinCollect is the most smooth experience there is in crypto. Every screen navigates intuitively. Everything is clear as daylight.

No more frustrating moments in which you could just smash your device through a wall.

CoinCollect versus normal exchanges

Table with CoinCollect versus competitors

Our team

Chris van Maarseveen

General Product Lead

Diesmaster joined the Komodo Platform team at the age of 16, being their youngest member. He dedicated himself to BarterDEX and developed his vision for future products.

Bart Roorda

Tech Lead

bartwr has a long history of open source advocacy and is a Dutch celeb in community building for blockchain and tech innovation. He’s a full stack developer with over 10 years experience.

Max Theyse

Design Lead

Max found the other team members by his passion for Komodo and BarterDEX. He has an inborn need to optimise the user experience for crypto, especially for BarterDEX based apps.


Server Operator Lead

The most experienced LP node operator there is. Like Diesmaster, cipi is part of the Komodo team and shares the passion for BarterDEX and Komodo with the rest.

Bart van Maarseveen

Operation & Evangelisation Lead

barv has a history with open source and web entrepreneurship since the mid nineties which makes him our valuable senior. Organises communities and talks with bartwr and loves to innovate & promote.

Our Advisors & Investors Banner

We are happy to have DEVSEC as an advisor. With DEVSEC we have access to a decentralised team of engineers, developers and security experts including JL777 (tech lead Komodo) & CA333 (security lead Komodo).

DEVSEC is the ultimate partner to perform secure code reviews, exploitation and pen testing, avoiding exploits and more.

SuperNET is a collaborative community of participating cryptocurrency coins and their development teams, alongside innovative coders, networking experts, social media and commercial development specialists and third party service providers, seeking to create a united platform of technologies focussing on the establishment.

SuperNET is invested in projects like Komodo, Bitcoin, IOTA, Syscoin & Stratis for a total of ~ 60M USD.

Our vision.

We will all be paying with our broad coin and token collections in the future. Any coin to any coin. Smart wallets will exchange on the spot when needed. CoinCollect believes that this process should be trustless, decentralized, privacy focussed and easy to use.

cc-logo_1Created with Sketch.